Friday, December 2, 2016

Dividend Income Update - November 2016

Welcome to my dividend income update for November 2016. 

Each month I post dividends received to keep track of earned passive income. Opening a new position or adding to an existing position on a regular basis causes increases in income on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Total dividends received during the month of November 2016 = $132.98

As seen in the quarterly comparisons above, the AT&T dividend has increased due to purchases made in October and November.
  1. Purchased 30 shares of AT&T on 4th October @39.78
  2. Purchased 2 shares of AT&T on 4th November @36.57 with accumulated dividends.  
Starbucks Corp has paid dividends in December and hence would skew the numbers, a bit. 

This has been an approximately 4.29% increase as compared to August 2016. (Dividends = $127.51) and a 6% decrease as compared to November 2015 (due to KMI and HCP reducing dividends :( )  

Total dividends earned in Year 2016 so far equals $1,003.76

Thanks for reading!

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