Sunday, January 15, 2017

Review 2016 Goals

It's goal review time and I am already a couple of weeks late ! We were vacationing in Las Vegas and Phoenix, AZ from 23rd December - 4th January and had a good fun time with friends. 
I would like to review my goals and the progress made in 2016. 

2016 Goals -

The following were my 2016 goals:
  1. Contribute towards a 401K for the first time
  2. To earn $1200 through dividends 
  3. Increase projected annual dividend income to $1500. 
  4. Contribute fully towards a ROTH IRA
  5. Run 500 miles through the year.
My foray in the US stock markets began in October 2014 and my blogging commenced in February 2015 and hence I am continually improving in the setting of finance goals. Let's delve further in the actuals!

  1. Contribute towards a 401K for the first time: I did post about my first time 401k in December '16. Better late than never!! Starting mid June '16, I had 15% deducted and towards early November until year-end I had bumped my contribution from 15% to 18%. My total contribution for Year 2016 was $8,181. Its a start and may not be much for a soon-to-be 39 year old but I do plan on maxing out my 401K in 2017. All of my holdings are in the index fund VFIAX which has expense ratio = 0.05%. Conclusion: Goal accomplished.
  2. To earn $1200 through dividends: I've been keeping track of this goal on my 'Dividend Income' page. My dividend growth portfolio earned dividends $1,176.60 thereby narrowly missing the goal. ConclusionGoal failed!!.
  3. Increase projected annual dividend income to $1500: My portfolio's in my taxable accounts, ROTH IRA and 401K will pay $1,661.42 in dividends over the next 12 months. ConclusionGoal accomplished.
  4. Contribute fully towards a ROTH IRA: I did contribute monthly from April - December, maxing out my Roth IRA. Purchased some T, OHI, MDT and HAIN. ConclusionGoal accomplished.
  5. Run 500 miles through the year: This isn't a finance goal. However I do like staying fit and hence the goal. In 2015, my fitness goal was to run the Louisville Triple Crown - a series of 5K, 10K and 10 mile in the Feb-March time frame. Once completed, I wasn't a regular runner. So in 2016, in addition to running the Triple crown, my goal was to run 500 miles thru' the year. I ran a total of 400 miles in 2016. I'm happy that this goal helped keeping me active thru the year. ConclusionGoal failed!!.

Conclusion - 

I am happy at the progress made in 2016 - commenced contributing to the 401k; maxed out the Roth IRA and had a 100+ % increase in dividends earned in 2016 ($1,176.60) vs 2015 (earned $553.41)

I invested a total of $25, 081 in 2016.
  • 401K = $8,181
  • Roth IRA = $5,500
  • Loyal3 = $9,000
  • TD Ameritrade Taxable Account = $300
  • Scottrade Taxable Account = $1,000
  • HSA = $1,000
  • Robinhood = $100

Look out for my next post - Goals for 2017 where I will attempt at setting goals that will push me even more.

Thank you for reading! 

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